
Showing posts from April, 2014

Minister, Wayville residents oppose U-turns

U-turns on Greenhill Road has Wayville residents hot under the collar. A resident has forwarded me a letter sent to the Minister for Transport and asked that I add it to my blog. Here's the letter. Dear Minister Mullighan, We are long term residents of Wayville and we are most concerned about the current DPTI proposals regarding so-called safety improvements to Greenhill Road, because of the adverse effects on residents and users of the road. First, we are concerned that these proposals are being foisted on residents with no proper consultation process and with no detailed assessment of their feasibility, particularly with regard to improving safety. The proposal seems to be a formulaic response - 'it worked somewhere else, it will work here'- and no on the ground analysis has been done. For example, the latest (2nd) plan released, marked final, by DPTI shows an added 3rd lane, near Sir  Lewis  Cohen Drive, to make U turns possible for traffic travelling east. A vis

Millswood Station WILL re-open soon

Ignore the negative article in this week's EC Messenger. What was reported is not fact. I made a phone call today to follow-up on an email ... and I have it on good authority that Millswood Station will be re-opening as promised by the Premier during the recent  election  campaign. The confusion was due to a communication hitch. It's all sorted and the station WILL re-open. Trust me! The target date is still early July 2014. The local community has expressed interest in sprucing the station surrounds eg. with a mural and gardens etc. It is long overdue.

U-Turns @ Wayville to go ahead

The Department of Transport (DPTI) received submissions from 104 residents and organisations re the proposed road works in the median strip along Greenhill Road. On 4th April they wrote to all residents advising that there had been a significant response from residents. 34 supported the scheme, 58 opposed it and 12 were unspecified. As a result, the design has been modified (as outlined in the letter). DPTI advises … These modifications will make it easier and safer for local residents and businesses to access the U-turn facilities. You are invited to find out more about the latest plans by attending a public meeting on Monday 14 April at 6.00pm at Unley Town Hall. We look forward to seeing you there. The drawings can be found at . If you would like a copy of the plan sent out please email to DPTI or phone 1300 794 880. Construction work is scheduled to start in mid to late May 2014 and will be completed by the end of June 2014, w

New playground @ Forestville

Today I attended the opening of the new playground at Forestville Reserve. Looks fantastic. Lots of Mums and Dads were there with their kids. The in-ground mini trampolines will be a huge hit. The popcorn and fairy floss tent was doing a brisk trade, everything free, courtesy of Unley Council. The Swimming Club did well with a sausage sizzle fundraiser. Go and check it out. There's a BBQ nearby - have a picnic while the kids play safely - at least, it's a soft fall. A shade sail will be added in readiness for next summer.