
Showing posts from December, 2018

Greening Unley

I have a passion for greening. Only yesterday I planted another row of radish seeds 😉 I just wish that new high rise developments in Unley would incorporate green elements. It can be done; and should be done. Unley Council should be pressuring developers to be more green in their designs. Here's an excellent example of what can be achieved. #green #unley #GreenUnley

Pink delight

I'm just so pleased with my Candy Pink Agapanthus. Such beautiful flowers. The Christmas Holly arrangement for the table needed a bit of colour. For some reason this year the holly didn't have any red berries. So we added red roses and a Candy Pink Agapanthus. Just stunning! more info re my candy-striped-pink-agapanthus

Best tomato crop

This year my tomato plants won't get burnt in the hot summer sun. Some people use big umbrellas or old bed sheets. A bit cumbersome. Imagine my delight at finding a triangular (3.4x3.4x3.4m) heavy duty shade cloth at a garage sale. Just 5 bucks! (Actually, I gave them $10; it was the woman down the street.) My delight was a bit short-lived during erection. That triangular shape was a bit tricky, especially finding the right spots to tie to nearby trees. Anyway, its up, well before the onslaught of the hot weather. The tomato plants are doing well in this hot period. It's going to be a great crop. The best looking plants for years!

Cucumber heaven

No more buying cucumbers for a few months. My cucumber vines are loaded and will bear well for a few months. Nothing beats a fresh home gown cucumber, especially the old fashioned heirloom varieties that taste so good.They are grown for flavour and not for transport and wrapped in plastic. The best way to eat a cucumber is salted and peppered on lightly buttered fresh bread. Here's a photo of the second one picked this season. I'm in cucumber heaven 😛