Liberal slash

There must be a State election coming.
Liberal Opposition Leader Steven Marshall has just dumped 2 veteran MPs from the opposition front bench.
Long serving Liberals Steven Griffiths and Duncan McFetridge have been dumped from the Opposition’s shadow cabinet. Replaced by a couple of younger MPs; people I've never heard of.
Hopefully with Griffiths going, the Liberals will reverse their stupid (or brave) plan to introduce rate capping for Councils. The policy is solely for political expediency; to win votes; with little thought of the reality of the outcome.
For example, under the Liberal rate capping plan, Unley Council would not have been able to fund the current renovation of Goodwood Road.

The danger for Marshall is that sacking a couple of veteran Liberals will cause angst within the Party. They will gang up against him; unless a deal has been done eg. a plum overseas posting or appointment to a nice quando or committee.

I don't think that Steven Marshall has gone far enough. There's more dead wood that he could have trimmed. There are MPs (on both sides of politics) who are not worth their pension.

I just hope that the new Liberal front bench gets focussed on being an opposition and proposing changes rather than their habit of just whinging about what is wrong. They need to be credible in their direction; and not just whinge about issues; as has been the case.

My advise to Mr Marshall is to cull more poor performers and to get focussed.
I want to know what the Liberals will do and what is their plan. (And yes, I know that they have a 200 years plan.)
I'm not interested in their whinging about Labor performance with no alternative being offered.

On the Labor front, despite Premier Jay saying that there will be no reshuffle, there will be; there must be. For example, Ian Hunter must go. He's an absolute liability. He's an embarrassment for the Government; and yet he stays and stays with each disaster. Trust me, Labor will reshuffle and probably higher up the chain than most people expect.

Both parties need to get their best people in position for the lead up to the State election. Keep slashing!

Here's the media story ...
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