Unley spends $266,000 🚲

Surprise, surprise ... Unley has been awarded a start in the 2018 Tour Down Under (TDU).
It coincidentally 😉😉 was announced soon after the budget rate rise was endorsed by Council.
Unley has been awarded the Stage 2 Start, from King William Road up to Stirling via the long way, a distance of 148.6km.
Stage 2 will be held on Wednesday 17 January, 2018.
The Gourmet Gala street party on King William Road will be held the night before.

For the record, I oppose hosting this event for the 18th time at a cost of $266k. This equates to a cost of about $14 per household, funded by a rate rise of 2.9%. At Council, I opposed this budget expenditure.

In my chats with residents, there seems to be little support for the huge cost of hosting this event. Most people would prefer a smaller, cheaper and more family event eg. like Unley Way to Go, like what we used to hold on Unley Oval.

I doubt that Unley will host the event in 2019.
The money saved can be used to pay off some debt.


  1. How much do the traders on King William Road contribute?

    1. The traders contribute nothing and get all the economic benefit, estimated to be $1m.
      It's easy street for the traders and hard on the residents who have to pay the jacked up rates.
      Given the 4 to 1 return, I think it reasonable that the traders pay the $266k and then get a return of $1m

  2. I am a trader on King William Road and like some other traders, I don't support the road closure.
    I actually make a trading loss during the event. I close on the night of the street party and the next morning trading is woeful until the road is reopened to traffic (and people).
    How about a subsidy for the traders who make a loss.
    It is time for Unley Coumcil to have another look at the economic impact on the street.


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