SA Liberal right turn

The SA Liberals have announced that they are turning to the far right.
That is, Liberal trams will make a right hand turn from King William Street into North Terrace. Labor is maintaining that it will only turn left.
If trams do make that right turn then surely (it would be logical) that they should continue on to Norwood; a journey and destination that Steven Marshall doesn’t support. So, why turn right? To go where? Travel 3 stops to the old RAH?
David Pisoni (Liberal Unley) has already stated at a public meeting that there will be no tram through Unley.
So, where will the Liberal trams go?
I suspect that a proposed Liberal tram network will be very similar to the proposed Labor tram network. Let’s face it, there are limited opportunities of where a tram can go.
For the record, I support the Liberal plan for trams to make that right hand turn;  despite the huge cost to retro-fit it. It just makes sense.

#Unley #saparli
