
Showing posts from September, 2018

Mayor or feather duster

Last Friday night I attended a street meeting with residents in Fullarton with regard to the high-rise developments on Fullarton Road. David Pisoni and Michael Hewitson were also there. In introducing himself, Michael Hewitson made this statement ... “In a month I will be either Mayor of Unley or a feather duster.” A rather weird  public statement. I immediately had imagery of me dusting the Mayor’s Parlour and using a locally sourced feather duster. #buylocal Puns aside, there is nothing fuzzy or feathery about me. If I am unsuccessful in my campaign to become Mayor, I will dedicate more time to community and charity activities and my involvement as a volunteer; and gardening and a spot of fishing. When it comes to voting, make the best choice, Vote 1 BOB SCHNELL #Mayor4Unley Vote for a common sense candidate. Don’t vote for a Feather Duster! written and authorised by bob schnell 10 halmon avenue everard park 5035 #mayor #unley

#Mayor4Unley my 150 words

The Local Government Association has published the 150 words supplied by each candidate for councils across SA. Here's a link to search and view Unley candidates' profiles. Click on this link Here are my 150 words that will appear on the postal voting form. It's a summary of my electoral platform as candidate for Mayor of Unley. More detailed will be in your letterbox soon. Candidate Profile: Bob Schnell #Mayor4Unley I am a Goodwood Ward Councillor (for almost 20 years and Deputy Mayor for 3 years). For the past 2 years I've been a volunteer with the Unley Home Library delivering books to the elderly. I will bring to the role of Mayor commitment, leadership, experience and common sense. I care about our community and I do listen and follow-up. I am not a member of any political party. I support rate capping to keep rate rises low. I want to go back to basics to reduce the number of big costly projects, re-focus on fixing smaller local issues in our s

Dog water fountains

It is important to get more dog friendly water fountains in our parks across #Unley. The new style of fountains are also more people friendly, enabling bottles to be easily filled. I'm passionate about improving the amenities in our parks. These fountains with dog drinking bowls will also help provide water to heat stressed koalas and other wildlife during summer. We need more of these fountains and as #Mayor I will push for that to happen. Driving change in Unley. Your best choice (by far)! Vote 1 BOB SCHNELL #Mayor4Unley The photo was taken by a local resident and sent with a thank-you note. Yes, the grass needs to be repaired around this new fountain. That will happen soon. Written and authorised by bob schnell 10 halmon avenue everard park 5035

A greener Unley

We have lost so many big trees across the #Unley suburbs. So much lost green tree canopy! As #Mayor of Unley I will do whatever and explore every option, to reverse the decline. The major issue is a lack of real control of big trees on private properties. We need State Government support to increase Council's control and help stop the senseless felling of trees that get in the way of high density  development. It doesn't need to be draconian control, rather it needs a common sense approach. I want to see more Council funding of conservation grants to fund pruning and maintenance of these magnificent big trees. The annual budget for this activity is inadequate . I want to see trees given realistic values to deter them from being cut down. Not $50, not $100, not $500 ... they deserve a more realistic value to reflect their contribution to filtering the environment over their lifetime. Experts are suggesting values of $50,000 to $100,000 for the old and big trees. I

Bob bins crazy idea

I oppose the push to cut the weekly collection of the blue rubbish bin and switch to a fortnightly collection. Yes, it will cut costs, but over summer the smell from these bins can be quite bad. I will fight this move if elected as #Mayor of #Unley. Vote for a candidate with common sense. Vote to get your blue bin collected weekly. Vote 1 BOB SCHNELL #Mayor4Unley Your best choice! #KeepUnleyBlueBin Written and authorised by bob schnell 10 halmon avenue everard park 5035

Bob is your best choice for Mayor

I will continue my fight for you at #Unley Council. Don’t waste your vote for #Mayor. You need someone with common sense! You need someone you can trust. You need someone who will listen to you. Your best choice is Vote 1 BOB SCHNELL #Mayor4Unley written and authorised by bob schnell 10 halmon avenue everard park 5035

Good women in Unley

Goodwood Ward is the most hotly contested #Unley Council Ward. It always has been hotly contested at the election. Women are coming out of the woodwork. A good outcome. I was door knocking in Wayville and discovered that another woman was going to nominate. That would mean 6 female and 2 male nominations for Councillor. So far, but who’s counting? If only there was the same enthusiasm in the other Wards across Unley. We need to share the love across Unley ❤️

Majority women in Unley

For the past 6 months I have been pushing and promoting to get more women on #Unley Council. At least to nominate and stand as candidates. I’m pleased to see the healthy numbers of women nominating to be a Councillor  in Unley. Some are still thinking about it. In my local area, in Goodwood Ward, there is always a healthy number of candidates. However, this election is different. The current count of who is or who might be nominating in Goodwood is a total of 7 candidates; 5 female and 2 male . Across Unley there is a healthy number of women running. The end result may be that Council has a majority of women. I’m delighted that the push for more women has worked. I stand by my forecast that there will be 7-9 new faces on Council. This will require a #Mayor with ability to bring together the majority of new Councillors and forge a new Council. I have the skills to bring together the new Council. For the best outcome for Unley ... Vote 1 BOB SCHNELL #Mayor4Unley

Unley fights plastic drink bottles

Last night at #Unley Council I moved a motion that will reduce the use of plastic bottled drinks dispensed at Council venues. A report on a range of options will come to Council in a few months. This is a great outcome and reflects the growing sentiments of the community. An original motion just targeted plastic water bottles. My amendment targets all drinks that are sold in plastic bottles eg. Coke, Fanta, Pepsi and water. A great outcome for Unley! After the meeting, it was described as a common sense approach. For more common sense outcomes like this Vote 1 BOB SCHNELL #Mayor4Unley Written and authorised by Bob Schnell, 10 Halmon Avenue Everard Park 5035

Your best choice #Mayor4Unley

Your best choice for Mayor of  #Unley is BOB SCHNELL Vote 1 BOB SCHNELL #Mayor4Unley Don't waste your vote!

Wet poems in Unley

What a simple, yet fantastic idea. Secret messages and poems written on footpaths using a super-hydrophobic paint. The paint repels water, so the stencilled words remain invisible until it rains. Many of the streets of Adelaide will have poems stencilled on the footpaths. The messages will come to life when it rains. I would love to see this happen across #Unley. Such a simple and low cost activity. It will put a smile on people’s faces - when it rains 🌧🌨 Read the story