Unley Road 1909

Back in the year 1909, Unley Road was dug up to remove the tram tracks that had been used by the horse drawn trams. New rails were laid for electric trams and this work took 2 years.
All of the rubble removed was carted to Unley Road to create the huge viewing mounds.
Check out the photo to see how many men were involved.
In 1911 electric trams started to run along Unley Road.
The tram service ceased in 1957.

Looking at the photo and so many labourers, it reminded me of the work done 30+ years to build the brick road along King William Road.

Soon, King William Road will be dug up and paved with bricks. Brick footpaths and a brick road.
I still say that the road should be bitumen to reduce costs and speed up the build time.
Work had better start soon to have it completed by Christmas in time for the retail trade.
It will be a great outcome, but there will be serious disruption to the local businesses; like what happened on Goodwood Road. Tough on the traders, but unavoidable.
Traders have suggested compensation for loss of business, but that won't happen.
The Goodwood traders suffered huge loss of business during the rebuild of Goodwood Road, but their requests for compensation fell on deaf ears.
Compensation (if any) should be given by the landlords who will profit by the increased amenity of the road. Landlords must be encouraged to reduce rents during the difficult times ahead on King William Road.
