New Labor Leader

Given Bill Shorten's resignation as leader it will probably take 4-6 weeks for Labor to elect a new leader. Given the size of the defeat and the broad (and perhaps overly ambitious) platform it pursued, I reckon it will take Labor at least 6 years before it can win an election. Just being realistic. Any sooner would be a lack of preparedness.
The target should strategically be 6 years; not 3 years. It will take 6 years to be ready and re-gain the trust of the people.
So choosing the right leader is important; not just for now but for readiness in 6 years. It's time for a generational change; now.
Choosing someone more likeable (like Anthony Alabanese) won't cut the mustard in 6 years. By then he will be a better fit for elder spokesman.
It's time to choose someone younger and someone without 'history'. This is not a time to recycle; not past leader aspirants.
Anthony Alabanese is the top contender. Tanya Plibersek has withdrawn (saying now is not the time).
Chris Bowen will also probably put up his hand, but given his responsibility for Labor's election losing budget, he's on the nose.

The reality is that there are very few in Federal Labor who are future leaders.
It's slim pickings. Yes, many great portfolio people, but not leadership contenders.

However, one person who stands out is Jim Chalmers. A bonus is that he is from Queensland.
He fits the mould; at least by my criteria.
I was impressed by his recent performance during the campaign.
It will be a long haul for Labor to re-gain Government and it needs someone with relative youth; and not someone older and hugely popular now.

Anyway, that's my assessment.
It's just commonsense.
But is that what will happen? Probably not!
Politics and factions will prevail and top contender Albanese will probably be elected. A short-term decision that will backfire in 6 years.
I am hoping that Labor looks to the future and selects a person to take the party forward.
It's time for a fresh start.

Any Government needs the best Opposition that can be mustered.
So will Federal Labor be looking 3 years or 6 years ahead.
I betcha they will opt for 3 years and elect likeable Albanese.

It's time for a change; a generational change.

Disclaimer: I am not a member of any political party and consider myself as a swinging voter; simply wanting the best outcome for Australia; wanting to achieve 'the promise of Australia' 😉
