Unley votes for TDU rate rise

Looks like there will be another Tour Down Start and Street Party on King William Road, Unley in January 2021.
Trust me it will happen.
And it will cost us hard hit ratepayers at least another 0.5% rate rise.
Another rise well above CPI 

At the Unley Council meeting on 28 Jan 2020, the following motion was  passed ...
1. The report be received.
2. An Expression of Interest for the City of Unley to be considered as an Official Host Council for the 2021 Tour Down Under Stage Start be lodged with Events SA.

All Councillors voted for it 
Essentially it was a vote to jack up the rates.

We in the community should have been consulted before committing to a probable rate rise. The mayor Michael Hewitson should have stomped on this. But no, it’s party time again and up go the rates. Totally inappropriate given the huge rate rise last year.

The Council will argue that it is only an expression of interest and not a firm commitment.
This happens every year.
Trust me, Events SA will award a Start to Unley in 2021.
And yes we will get consulted by Unley when the draft budget is considered.
As always, due process will be followed.

I would prefer that after so many TDU street parties in Unley, Council starts to focus on reducing the rate rises. Unley needs to move on. Unley needs to tighten its belt.
Rather I would like to see a TDU Start and street party on Kangaroo Island. Unley could contribute mentoring and staff with experience in hosting the event.
