
Showing posts from 2021

Re-Vote on Unley library hours

  There’s been a massive community outcry at Unley Council’s recent decision to cut the hours at the Unley and Goodwood libraries. There was no community consultation. The saving is $26k. This is roughly the amount that Council will spend on Christmas parties. One of the Councillors has put the matter back on the agenda for the meeting on Monday 13 December, 2021. Hopefully there will be a decision to remove the cut of library open hours. If you are a library user (and aren’t we all) then feel free to contact your local Councillor and ask that they vote against the cuts. For the record here is a list of Councillors who voted against the cuts: J. Boisvert, J. Dodd, D. Palmer, K. Anastassiadis and J. Bonham

Unley Council cuts libraries

  Just so sad to see Unley Council reducing the open hours at the Goodwood and Unley libraries. A cut of 7.5 hours per week. Council even decided to not consult the community! There has been much angst in the community about the cuts. All because the Council has out-spent its budget. According to statistics, the cut will impact 204 visits per week (10,608 per year). Here is an extract from the Council minutes of 08 Nov 2021. See how your local councillor voted on the proposal.   City of Unley Council  8 Nov 2021  ITEM 4.1 LIBRARY OPENING HOURS MOVED Councillor P. Hughes SECONDED Councillor M Rabbitt That: 1.   The report be received. 2. The proposed changes to opening hours for the Goodwood and Unley Libraries as set out on pages 18-19 of Item 4.1 (Council Meeting 8 November 2021) be endorsed. IN FAVOUR of the MOTION: Councillors P. Hughes, M. Rabbitt, M. Broniecki, S. Dewing, J. Russo and E. Wright AGAINST THE MOTION: Councillors J. Boisvert, J. Dodd, D.

Remembrance Day

 11/11 My little digger Teddy Lest we forget!

Dump Steven Marshall?

  This must be the worst year for misbehaviour of politicians in SA and across the country. It reinforces my belief that having more independents in our parliaments would be a healthy outcome; to reduce the in-party fighting and squabbles. Currently, it’s a real mess in SA. The Liberals are self destructing. Six to twelve months ago you would have thought that Steven Marshall would romp home in the next election in early 2022. Today he is limping and badly wounded. I would say that he has little chance of winning the next election. Given the chatter in the media, it’s highly likely that he will be removed as Premier within weeks. Then becomes the problem of a likeable replacement. Add competency to the criteria, and I can not see anyone to replace him. The Liberals (and the State) have a problem. That’s my thoughts. It will be interesting to see how the Government resolves its problem and moves forward. The only sure thing is that the in-fighting will continue.

Blue cheese & beer

 It’s just amazing what you can dig up 💩 2,700 years ago man (and woman) drank beer and ate blue cheese. Discovered by digging in ancient salt mines in the Austrian Alps.

St Andrews church

 On Sunday I visited St Andrews church in Strathalbyn. A glorious old church built in 1848. It's the oldest Presbyterian building in SA that is still functioning as a church; now Uniting. However, after 173 years it needs extensive renovations to restore its former glory. Being on the National Trust Register of Historic Places, it deserves restoration. I encourage you to consider a donation to help with the funding . It will take a huge funding effort to complete the works which will be done in stages. The church secretary can be contacted on 0403 270 506 or email It will be wonderful to see the church fully restored 💗

Red wine slows dementia

 For many many years I’ve been a participant in a research project to determine if red wine and dark chocolate really protect against dementia and cognitive decline? It was tough consuming all that dark chocolate and red wine 🍷 The good news is that dark chocolate and red wine do help reduce the onset of dementia. Here’s a link to the story …

A snow job

 You have to laugh at some of the official weather forecasts 😂 Rain is forecast, but just sunshine or Fine and sunny forecast, but it rains. Do they ever look out the window before issuing weather forecasts 🤔 By my statistics, the weather forecast is 50% seriously wrong.  Then it gets more silly 😜 Today it was reported that SA experienced the lowest temperature (in parts of the state) in 32 years. And to really exceed reality, it was reported that snow probably fell in parts of northern SA, but there was probably no one there to see it ie. it probably fell in the remote uninhabited regions 🤣 Yes silly, but we do need a laugh during COVID-19 lockdown 😷 If anyone did see snow today, then let me know and I will pass it on to the Bureau of Meteorology 👍 

Federal Election 2022

  Here my thoughts on Federal politics … To have any chance of federal Labor winning the next election, it’s time for Anthony Albanese to be replaced. He’s just not cutting through and resonating with the people. I don’t think he’s got the ticker. His major fault is whinging about the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out and not focusing on other issues. The trouble is that I can not see anyone on the opposition front bench suitable to replace him, other than Bill Shorten. I doubt that Labor will make the switch, but it should if it wants a chance to win. Any government needs a strong opposition; but Labor is failing on that account. Labor knows its problem, but doesn’t have the nerve to fix it. Besides there is no apparent alternative leader. 

Unley Council politics

  It seems that Unley Council has become a spring board into State politics. In the recent past we’ve had 2 mayors and now first-term Fullarton councillor Ms Jordan Dodd attempting to move to the SA Parliament. The election is a year away, yet so far I’ve found 2 glossy Liberal brochures about Jordan in my letterbox. Jordan is trying to win the seat of Badcoe and it will be a tough fight against the well entrenched Labor MP Jayne Stinson. I’m surprised that Jordan is running in Badcoe. It will be a tough fight. I would have preferred to see her running in the ultra safe Liberal seat of Unley, to replace David Pisoni MP. I think it’s time for a generational change in Unley and it would have been smarter for the Liberals to parachute Jordan into Unley. That’s my thoughts.

Unley Mayor dies

 It was sad to hear the news today that former Unley Mayor, Denis Sheridan has died, aged 76. Denis was Mayor back in the days when it was the done thing to do a 2 year term and then pass the baton. Not like today when being mayor is a career with political connections. Denis was a huge and prominent character known for his other life as a swing singer and a big band leader. Denis was commonly referred to as the singing Mayor. In fact, at the slightest opportunity, Denis would burst into song. A great way to defuse any situation. He was one of the best mayors at Unley Council. Certainly one who will be remembered, His passing saddens me. Memories of him continue to delight me. Some tales can not be told.

Clarice Beckett - a must see

Clarice Becket If you haven’t been yet, then you must go to see the exhibition of works by Clarice Beckett. Her works and life story are incredible. She would have to be one of Australia’s greatest painters. It’s worth the price of a ticket. Here’s a tip: get there early and join a free guided tour. BTW due to popularity, the exhibition has been extended to 23 May 2021.

Unley Council considers slash of councillors

 Unley Council is proposing a reduction of the number of Wards from 6 to 5; and the reduction of the number of Councillors from 12 to 10. Consultation closes today so if you want to make a submission to Council then you must do it today (due 20 April). Here's a copy of my submission to Unley Council ... I don’t support reducing the number of Unley Council Wards from 6 to 5; and reducing the number of councillors from 12 to 10. It was proposed in the past (probably ~ 7 years ago) and was overwhelmingly rejected by council. My reasons are as follows. A reduction in the number of councillors will reduce the diversity of council. A diversity of sex, religion, ethnicity and age is important. It will be difficult to achieve more diversity with a reduced number. Council must have a priority to enhance its diversity and its connection with the community. Larger wards will make it difficult for candidates to campaign and represent the constituents. It needs to be remembered that most counci

Mike Turtur trees gone!

 Despite trees being marked to be saved, magnificent trees on the Mike Turtur Bikeway at Wayville were ‘accidentally’ cut down. Just total incompetence! Being told that the roots had been accidentally cut provides no relief. After all the consultation about the bikeway and trees to be saved; they’re gone! Shouldn’t there have been barriers placed around the trees just like Unley Council advises developers building near trees that are identified to be saved. Such a shame.

Cherry Darlings Crossing

  Just what is Unley Council building on the road in front of Cherry Darlings Bakehouse, Forestville? No one in the community seems to know with many saying that they were not consulted. One councillor has said that it’s a zebra crossing (with flashing lights) from the tram station. I was also informed that consultation did happen a couple of years ago. Maybe that’s so, but no one seems to remember. Yes, it’s needed, but on a sharp bend in the road! That’s madness. Total madness! And 25m away at the intersection of East and Aroha Avenues, what is being constructed there? Looks like it will be a semi-roundabout. Whilst I’m concerned about the safety aspects of what’s being built, my main gripe with Unley is the total lack of consultation with the community re these 2 local projects. Maybe residents on the southern side of the tram line were fully engaged and it’s just us locals on the northern side who were forgotten. It’s not good enough Unley Council. Keep us informed of what’s happen

East Avenue road repair needed

  East Avenue What has happened to East Avenue in Black Forest?  😡😡 The section between the train line and tram line is breaking down terribly. It started breaking down 12 months ago. Strange given that the road was resurfaced about 3 years ago. Maybe it should have been rebuilt rather than just a fresh coat of bitumen. The same happened further down on Leah Street when a quick resurface had to be dug up and the road rebuilt; which should have been done in the first place. Unley Council needs to review the engineering of such infrastructure works. It’s blowing the budget to rebuild recently resurfaced roads. And don’t get me started on the laying of new gas pipes along East Avenue, Canterbury Terrace, Byron Road and throughout streets in Black Forest. Why do they dig trenches where the car wheels travel? Surely the trenches could have been placed away from the wheel line of cars. The resurfacing over the trenches is never a good job and results in a ‘lumpy’ ride for cars. It’s not Co

Unley's slow letters

 Residents in Everard Park are furious about the City of Unley's tardy postage of notification letters about a scheduled planning meeting to decide a planning application in Everard Park. Residents didn't turn up at the meeting to make representation because they were not notified prior to the meeting. Some got a letter a few hours before and others have yet to receive a letter in their mailbox. Its just not good enough. And it is not fair to blame Australia Post. We all know that postal deliveries are slow and Unley Council should have planned around this and posted the letters much earlier. A local resident is so furious that has sent a letter to The Advertiser and copied the 2 local councillors. Here's an extract (in blue) of his email (with minor edits) ...  Hi,   I would like to comment on a development application ...   A ‘non-compliant’ application was submitted to the Unley Council,  to build a 4 story(5 if you include the plant and equipment on the roof). The zonin

Great shopping in Goodwood

Found this photo online, courtesy of City of Unley. I reckon it's a photo of me walking along Goodwood Road in front of the Goodwood Butcher shop. Same blue shirt and cap. Thanks Unley

Unley rates penalty

  I’m annoyed with #Unley Council. I always pay my bills and the Council rates on time. Anyway, I recently received a red coloured bill from Unley; an overdue notice with a penalty fee for the quarterly payment of rates. I was slapped with a penalty and a short time to pay with a warning ‘if the amount remains unpaid after the due date your account may be forwarded to Council’s collection agency’ . Sure, Councils need to collect and recover rates; but the fact is I never received the original bill by mail . I would have thought that Unley Council would have sent me (or any other log-term resident with a good track record) a gentle warning asking RUOK and if an extension is needed. Given Covid-19, surely that would have been the way to go. Council records would have shown that I have always paid by the due date. How many other residents were affected by not receiving the rates payment notice by mail? Lets face it, many letters are having a slow delivery via Australia Post

Welcome to 2020 won
