MAR @ Ridge Park

Great news ...

The Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) at Ridge Park is now in operation.

This is one of the water saving schemes initiated by Unley Council.

What is a MAR?
Basically, during wet periods you collect water and inject it into the water table below and then in the summer months pump it out there or elsewhere to help with irrigation.

Benefits are:

  • Potential to supply 60ML (megalitres) pa - that's enough water to fill 24 Olympic sized swimming pools
  • Reduced risk of flooding
  • Cheap supply of good water during peak watering season
  • Reliable supply for Council's water trucks

Here is information re the MAR @ Ridge Park

Here is a map of the water retention scheme @ Ridge Park

ps Why do people always compare large volumes of stuff to an Olympic pool?
I couldn't help myself - it's easy to visualise.


  1. Hello Bob, I have previously contacted you re Big Dates and have to say I am most impressed with water catchment in the council area. How does the council harvest the water come summer and are any other councils doing this recharge system? How many council trucks does it take to empty one olympic sized swimming pool?
    Regards, Bob

    1. If the tanker has a capacity of 10,000 litres, then 250 trucks.
      Typically the capacity is 7,500 litres, so that would be 333.333 trucks.


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