Wayville U-turns

The State Government has proposed works on the Greenhill Road median strip to improve safety. In Wayville, the side streets impacted are Joslin and Clark. There will no longer be right turns in or out of these streets. From Joslin and Clark Streets at Greenhill Road, only left-in and left-out will be allowed.

This will impact the Wayville residents.
Residents are encouraged to provide feedback to the State Government by 17 March 2014.
Unley Council has provided feedback with emphasis on safety issues of the proposal for vehicles to do U-turns on Greenhill Road in order to then turn left into Joslin or Clark Street.

Here's an extract from the DPTI website State Government upgrade of median strip on Greenhill Road

Have Your Say - Safety Improvements to Greenhill Road

The Department of  Planning, Transport and Infrastructure has released a draft scheme to improve  safety on Greenhill Road, between Goodwood Road and George Street/Hutt  Road. 
The scheme will improve safety for motorists, cyclists and  pedestrians and involves: 
  • Modifying and extending the existing median  openings to provide one way indented U-turn areas
  • Installing shared bike and pedestrian refuges  opposite Roberts Street, Joslin Street, Clark Street and Porter Street
  • Improving landscaping.
These modifications will limit turns to left-in and left-out for vehicles at Greenhill Road from all side streets between Anglo Avenue and Joslin Street, improving safety for all road users.  Drivers exiting side streets wanting to turn right will turn left from the side street and undertake a U-turn in a new one-way indented U-turn area.  A similar  scheme has operated successfully on ANZAC Highway for a number of years.
This section of Greenhill Road has a higher than expected number of crashes causing injury.  Between 2007 and 2011 there were 66 injury  crashes.
One of the key actions of the Road Safety Strategy: Towards Zero Together is to improve safety of infrastructure at locations with the highest volumes or greatest risk of  crashes.  The investment in safety focused  infrastructure (ie, banning right turns, installing U-turn lane extensions and  median extensions on busy arterial roads) provides ongoing safety benefits to  the community at often more than 10 times the original cost.
The scheme includes installing new cycling/pedestrian  crossings at Joslin Street, Clark Street, Roberts Street and Porter  Street.  These complement the existing  Unley and Adelaide City Council bicycle and pedestrian networks.
The Concept Plans will be on public display from 3 – 14 March  2014 at Unley City Council Civic Library (181 Unley Road, Unley) and Adelaide  City Council Hutt Street Library (235 Hutt Street, Adelaide).  The project team will be available to discuss  the plans at Unley City Council Civic Library on Thursday 13 March 2014 between  6.00pm and 8.00pm.
You are invited to provide feedback on the plans online via the Feedback form, by email to dpti.communityrelations@sa.gov.au or by phone to the Project Manager, Bill Zissopoulos on 8343 2204.
Submissions close on 17 March 2014.


  1. This will be inconvenient, but it will fix the messy intersection at Joslin Street and Greenhill Road.
    I've had some close calls there.

  2. I don't like the sound of this.
    It will make turning into Joslin difficult.

  3. Whoever wins Unley at today's election, I will be contacting my MP and asking for the project to be squashed.
    It is absolutely stupid.

  4. David Pisoni will stop this.
    He must!


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