Pay my gas bill

Until recently, I accepted Senator Sam Dastyari as a loveable rogue; a stunt player who does get his message across; someone you love or dislike; actually, it was hard to dislike him.
However, the latest saga of Sam getting the Chinese Government (via a proxy company) to pay his travel bill is the last straw. That was totally unacceptable; especially when it became known as a cash for comment issue with Senator Sam allegedly supporting China's claim of sovereign right to islands in the South China Sea.
Senator Sam you have blown what might have been a glorious career.
Yet, I am sure that you will hang in there and the Labor Party won't hang you out to dry. Bill Shorten should have demoted you last week. I am sure that you will become a thorn in his side come the next Federal Election.

Now to my personal problem.
I've just received my quarterly winter gas bill; a whopping $605.96.
The trouble is I've blown my budget, spending too much on Coonawarra reds, local SA gin and Coffin Bay oysters.
How the heck am I going to pay for my un-budgeted extravagant spending?
What is the correct protocol? Do you simply call the Chinese Embassy or send them the bill? Probably that is frowned upon and you just send the bill to a Chinese company that is linked to the China Government.
What could I do or say in return?
I will not drop my fierce opposition to China increasing its stake in prime Aussie farms; and yes I know that the China stake is currently only 0.38% (but, nibble, nibble, nibble, over time that figure will grow).
I could offer to drop my opposition to the sale of frozen berries packaged in China in unsanitary conditions. Yes, I will make that offer. Besides, I've stopped buying imported frozen berries.
