Chinese honey

Never buy supermarket honey.
Buy it straight from the farm or from a roadside stall or from a farmers market.
If you want crap honey, then go to the supermarket where you'll likely be deceived by labels claiming Australian Certified Organic. It's nonsense and deceiving as has been revealed by testing of Capilano's subsidiary Allowrie brand.
It's a horror story about imported honey, probably from China where bees don't forage on flowers; rather, they are fed corn syrup and sugar.

If you care, and most people do, don't risk it by buying supermarket honey.
Buy Aussie honey, preferably from a local supplier.
My favourite is Leatherwood honey from Tasmania.

Click here for more information


  1. This is terrible.
    I will never ever buy supermarket honey again.

  2. The law for labelling food must be changed.
    If I am buying Chinese honey then I need to know.
    Deceiving us to make us think that it is Aussie is criminal.

  3. Beechworth honey is 100% Australian and available in supermarkets. There are local producers around Adelaide. Check out honey map for a fair few of them.

    Also, don't use pesticides such as Confidor (neonicotinoids) and similar. These kill bees and can hang around for up to 19 years. This family of pesticides has been linked to Colony Collapse Disorder and is now banned in most of Europe, with restrictions in place in the USA.

    1. Fair point Ian.
      If I'm driving in the country, I sometimes stop and buy a tub of local honey.
      I like the honour system where produce is stored in an old fridge and you leave the money.


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