Byron Road @ Black Forest

I was approached by a trader at the Black Forest shops.
It seems that residents and traders are alarmed by local gossip about the proposed development of a childcare centre on the corner of Byron Road and South Road @ Black Forest.
According to the gossip:
A childcare centre is to be built on the 2 blocks on the South Road/Byron Road corner.
Unley Council will be closing Byron Road at the intersection with South Road.
Total nonsense!
I explained to the trader that Council would never consider closing Byron Road to enable a development. It's just uninformed gossip.
As to the proposed childcare centre, my only comment is that there must be onsite parking for parents delivering and collecting children. I suspect that the main entrance will be via Byron Road; it is unlikely that DPTI would allow access from South Road.

So to the residents of Black Forest I say: trust me, Byron Road will not be closed.
