Think about becoming a swinger

A Lefty mate calls me a Conservative.
A Conservative mate calls me a Lefty.
A Greenie mate believes I'm a Greenie; they really see no other option!
I like to hide my true political leanings. They get in the way at times.
I don't wear them like a badge on my sleeve; like a bikie.
It's my business (to know) without trying to overly influence others.
Actually I'm a swinging voter, like I suspect are a significant % of the community.
It must be so boring to always wear green themed t-shirts or always be a true blue Liberal or a red Lefty; never able to find good in all the political parties.
Imagine going through life, just blindly following the doctrine of the Dear Leader of your political party.
As a swinging voter, you get to vote for the best person to represent your local community. Or, if that selection is a bit difficult (and it can be) you get to vote for the party that you believe is best for the state or country; based on policy and past performance.
A swinging voter is a thinking voter. Trust me, I know ;)
This is at odds with the political parties who don't want you to think too much; they just want you to follow their blue, red, green or orange flavoured doctrine.
Give some thought into becoming a swinger!
Perhaps the theme colour should be white.

#Badcoe #Unley #saparli
