Freight rail fires up

This week's EC Messenger has a story about a Mitcham local who wants the Commonwealth to build a freight rail line bypass. Here's a brief of the story ...

Stephanie McCarthy is urging the Federal Government to reconsider a rail bypass. Ms McCarthy, of Eden Hills, said a police investigation which revealed a freight train was the "most likely" cause of a fire at Belair National Park in February - reinforced the need to build a bypass.

I totally agree. All the residents along the freight line have been complaining for years. We have been lobbying the Commonwealth for years. Not even any luck with a recent Gillard/Rudd Federal Labor Government and a local Federal Labor MP (Kate Ellis).

It is a huge ask. I can't remember how many $billion it would cost.
Now to put it into perspective ... should we upgrade the entire South Road (and a few more lengthy transport routes) and electrify the rail line to Gawler or build the freight rail bypass.
Politics will dictate that South Road will win the cash.

Given the bypass won't be built for 20 years, it is reasonable to ask the Commonwealth to provide acoustic noise barrier fences and reduce the volume of the boom gate signals along the track.


  1. I agree with your realistic assessment.
    The money will be spent elsewhere due to higher priorities.
    We do need to provide noise comfort for those living on the rail corridor.

  2. Bob, your assessment is spot on.
    We must get noise barriers along the freight line.


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