Unley needs more women

Unley Council needs more women as Councillors.
We currently have 2 out of 12 and a male Mayor.
Rather woeful.

I can understand that it will be harder for women to nominate and campaign and attend meetings given that they do more than their share of duties at home.

At the coming election in October/November, my forecast is that there will be up to 5 new faces on Council in 5 of the 6 Wards.

So, why not consider nominating?
You may nominate as either a Councillor in a Ward or for Mayor.

If you are interested in nominating and just want a chat about process and my time on Council, then contact me. I will be glad to encourage anyone running in a Ward other than Goodwood.


  1. I'll give it some thought.
    I agree that the number of women on Unley Council is too low.

  2. Cr Jennie BoisvertFriday, June 06, 2014

    If you are interested there is free session for women at the Prospect Council Chambers on Wed July 9th from 7pm-8pm and Marion Council Chambers on the 16th July frpm 8pm -9pm. If you want to book email to president.algwasa@gmail.com . I'll be attending the Prospect session to support other women who want to be elected.

  3. Wouldn't it be fantastic if we could get 5 new females on the council at the next election.What a difference they would make but I don't think we will make the numbers up as they are too busy with AFL umpiring and coaching and running the Boy Scouts.
    Betty B

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. hhmmm would that be a total of 5 women or 7 (including the current 2 on Council)?

    3. A third of Council would be a good outcome.
      I doubt that you'll get 6 women due to family commitments.
      Congrats to those who make the effort.
      Unley is at the moment a bit of a boys club.

  4. I'm interested in nominating for either Unley Park or Goodwood South. I live on the boundary.
    Probably Unley Park.
    I will contact you off-line and have that chat.

  5. I agree that Unley Council needs more women and younger ones.
    The trouble is, are the younger women (and men) going to give up most of their fun life and join Council. Probably not.


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