Unley could save $266k

Unley Council has endorsed its draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for consultation with the community.
The emphasis has been on keeping the rate rise low; estimated at 2.8%.
What worries me is the forecast borrowings of $16m by June 2018.
I believe that it's time to reconsider the cost of hosting the Tour Down Under street party on King William Road (KWR); the event net cost of $266k would be better spent paying off the growing debt. That's what people do at home in managing the house-hold budget.
On the night Cr Michael Hewitson described it as a good and sound budget. He suggested that the debt (of $16m) could be reduced to zero over 5 years if Council spent zero on new capital; with no new projects.
A totally fanciful statement. It will never happen.
Reducing the debt must be started now by cutting expenditure.
It is timely to seriously review the merit of hosting the KWR street party.
Spending in excess of $1/4m in these hard times is obscene.
Spending a fraction of this saving on supporting smaller community events would be a better outcome.

That's my gripe. Now it's time for you to comment.
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  1. I would suggest you are right about the TDU street party. Big amount of money on that which is really not warranted. Yes it's a nice night out but could be done at a fraction of the cost really. I support the upgrading of Unley Oval and Goodwood Oval changerooms. Both facilities are run down and poor. Sell 39 Oxford Terrace and direct proceeds to Council contribution to JO Stand improvements.


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