Wildlife box homes

A fantastic good news story from Unley Council ...

Unley has a number of strategically placed Wildlife Boxes at various locations within the City to support the breeding and habitat survival of our local fauna.

A total of 28 Artificial Hollows/Boxes were installed in June 2009. They were erected in Ridge and Heywood Parks, with a single box installed on Windsor St. Over the years Council has built up the number of boxes to where we now have 121 located across all part of the City on Council parks, reserves or verges (106), schools (12) and private property (3).

Each year, as part of an environmental initiative, Council is provided with a report on the outcomes, success or otherwise of fauna use. As part of this monitoring process, each box is assessed for any changes that have taken place and to determine whether possible maintenance issues have arisen. This process is required to ensure that the wildlife value of the boxes are maintained and that public safety is observed.

Toward the back of the report is a (GPS) location guide to where all the boxes are located.

Some interesting facts from the report include:

  • There were 119 boxes surveyed across the City during 2016.
  • Over 50% of the wildlife boxes were used for breeding or denning and 77% were used by a range of the target vertebrate species.
  • Various fauna species were using 66 artificial boxes (57%), on the servicing/monitoring days, the highest numerical usage ever recorded.

Note: all the photos included in the report were taken in 2016, during surveying or box servicing within Unley.

Read the report (great pics)
