Online Dates

I love a good date.
During my time spent in Alice Springs I discovered the joy of fresh Aussie dates (of the eating variety).
I recently discovered a date farm at Loxton in the Riverland.
I bought 2.5kg online via PayPal ... See the contact details below.

The date variety is Barhee Khalaal. Yellow and crunchy like an apple. Not exactly what I was expecting, but they will slowing develop to the next stage - a light brown, more creamy taste with a more traditional date flavour.

The farm is certified organic.
They have been hit hard recently by heavy rain during harvest resulting in a big loss.
Give them a try and enjoy a fresh date.
Support our Australian farmers.

The contact details are:
Gurra Downs
Dave and Anita Reilly
Gordon Road, Gurra Gurra Lakes
Postal: PO Box 1029, Loxton - South Australia 5333
Phone: +61 8 8583 8314


  1. Look as far as I'm concerned - you can stick your 2.5kgs up your date!

  2. Phillup DeBin, you seem to have little appreciation for the simple pleasures of life like a fresh Aussie grown date.
    I was tempted to place your comment in de bin!


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